Friday, March 17, 2017

Entry 6 - Telephones

What is a Telephone?
According to Wikipedia, a telephone is "a telecommunications device that permits two or more users to conduct a conversation when they are too far apart to be heard directly." Phones are extremely common nowadays, and thus people take this technology for granted. These days people have advanced touch screen devices are able to send texts, read emails, and browse the internet through their phones. However, phones have not always been this advanced or widespread. The first phone was created in 1892 by Alexander Graham Bell. The rise in cell phones and smartphones, however, had only begun in 1999. Integrating apps and internet access into phones is are relatively recent advances in phone technology.

Image result for iphoneHow this relates to Computer Science
Telephones are related to computer science because it is necessary in order for smartphones to function. The most basic phone requires a switch, a speaker, and a microphone as well as basic access to electricity. However, newer phones cannot function without computer science. Long distance calls require access to satellites. Applications, especially those requiring internet access, need programming in order to function properties. Fingerprint technology also requires computer science in order to recognize distinct fingerprints. Overall, the advancement of phone technology has made computer science a necessary part of telephones.

1. Brian, Marshall. "How Telephones Work." HowStuffWorksScience.  HowStuffWorks, n.d. Web.
2. "Telephone." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web.

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