Friday, February 3, 2017

Entry 3 - Drones

What are Drones?
A drone is an "aircraft without a human pilot aboard" (Wikipedia). Drones can either be remotely controlled by humans or fly a programmed path set up by computers. They are primarily used for combat purposes by the military and are sent to places which are deemed too dangerous for humans. These drones are used for reconnaissance as well as attacking remote areas. Recently, drone usage has expanded and they are now being sold for recreational purposes. People can now buy drones for aerial photography, filming, etc. Companies are starting to invest in drone usage. Amazon has started using drones to deliver packages and plans to expand its drone usage. Domino's delivers pizza through drones, though only in New Zealand. There are currently more drones used by civilians than there are used in the military. Drone usage has expanded rapidly and will continue to expand as technology becomes more advanced.
Image result for drone
How this relates to Computer Science
Computer science is used to make the drone function. Drones utilize GPS functions in order to navigate effectively. The GPS is used to send the drone's location to the controller. Computer scientists program the GPS chips used the drones so that it can rely information effectively and allow the drone to work. Computer science is also used to program the controller which directs the drone. The controller has to be able to control the drone remotely and, depending on the drone, may have to transmit information from the drone back to the controller. Computer scientists have to program the controller accurately in order for the drone to function as planned.

1. Pullen, John P. "This is How Drones Work." Time. Time, 03 April 2015. Web.
2. "Unmanned Aerial Vehicle." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web.


  1. Drones are very computer science heavy but do you think that an idea that once started as military grade technology should be available for civilian use? I ask that because civilians could abuse the idea of drones.

  2. Drones have quickly become of high interest to the consumer market, but as the capabilities of the devices become more advanced, allowing for longer flights and more discrete devices, do you believe the government might have to interlude as a means of public safety? These drones could become more and more used as surveillance video recorders, and with too much power in the publics hands, that could become dangerous.
